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Zoë FIT UK Group

Public·6 members

Skachat Knigu Gone With The Wind

At the age of 14, Andersen went to Copenhagen: he dreamed of getting to the theater. Whether he saw himself with a famous artist or director, which was dreaming of him in dreams, he knew only that lanky boy, clumsy as a whappy duckling from the fairy tale written later. In life, he was ready for the smallest roles. But even this was gone with great difficulty. It was all: and barren trips to famous artists, requests and even nervous tears. Finally, thanks to his perseverance and a pleasant voice, despite the incompass figure, Hans was adopted at the Royal Theater, where he played minor roles. It lasted for a short time: the age breaking of the voice deprived of his ability to perform on stage.

skachat knigu gone with the wind



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